Kids & Teens

Alcohol and Drug Abuse


Alcohol and Drug Abuse What do you do if you have a parent or a guardian with a drinking problem?

  • DO talk to someone you trust about the problem. Talk to a teacher, a Scout leader, a coach, a school counselor. Also, there is a group for kids who have alcoholic parents called "Alateen". Alateen has meetings, like a club, and the kids share tips on how to make life easier. You can look for the phone number of Alateen in the phone book or call directory assistance for the number of Alateen.
  • DO remember that feeling afraid and alone is a normal way to feel when you live with alcoholic parents. It's confusing to hate the disease of alcoholism at the same time that you love your alcoholic parent. All people have confusing feelings: two different feelings at the same time. This is the way many kids feel about alcoholic parents.
  • DO remember to have fun! Sometimes children with alcoholic families worry so much that they forget how to be "just a kid." If things are bad at home, you might not have anyone who will help you have fun, but don't let that stop you. Find a way to let yourself have fun.
  • DON'T ride in a car when the driver has been drinking if you can possibly avoid it. It is not safe. Walk or try to get a ride with an adult friend who has not been drinking. If your parents are going out to drink somewhere, try not to go with them. If you must get in a car with a drinking driver, sit in the back seat in the middle. Lock your door. Put on your safety belt. Try to stay calm.
  • DON'T think that because your parent is an alcoholic you will be one too. Most children of alcoholics do not become alcoholics themselves.
  • DON'T pour out or try to water down your parent's alcohol. The plain fact is that it won't work. You have no control over the drinking. You didn't make the problem start, and you can't make it stop. It is up to your parent to get treatment. What your parent does is not your responsibility or your fault.

Some children with moms and dads that drink too much think that it is their fault. Maybe you are one of those children. Well, it's not your fault and you can't control it. But, there are ways that you can deal with it. One important way is to remember the 7 Cs:

  • I didn't Cause it
  • I can't Cure it.
  • I can't Control it.
  • I can Care for myself by Communicating my feelings, Making healthy Choices, and By Celebrating myself.

Remember, Be Smart, Be Safe!