Kids & Teens


You are visiting the Kids & Teens section of the Help Keep Kids Safe® web site. This section has lots of great safety information. The Kids & Teens section is divided into categories for specific age groups. We have included lots of "Safety Tips" on our site, plus a huge list of links to safety information on other sites on even more topics.

Enjoy your visit, and Remember - Be Smart, Be Safe!


KidsThe Kids section is designed for kids 7 and younger. We hope that you will have fun reading about safety. After you read the "Safety Tips," don't forget to check out the longer list of important topics in our "Great Safety Links" section too! Then visit the "Games & Fun Stuff" section to review what you learned about safety. Click here to get started!


PreteensThe Preteens section is designed for kids ages 8-12. We hope that you will have fun learning about what you can do to be safe. After you read the "Safety Tips," don't forget to check out the longer list of important topics in our "Great Safety Links" section too! Then, visit the "Games & Fun Stuff" section to test your knowledge about safety. Click here to get started!


TeensThe Teens section is designed for kids 13 and older. You really can do a lot to prevent yourself from being injured, and we have pulled together information that will help you stay safe. After you read the "Safety Tips," don't forget to check out the longer list of important topics in our "Great Safety Links" section too! There is also a "Games & Fun Stuff" section that you can use to test your knowledge about safety. Click here to get started!