Games & Fun Stuff

Eating Disorders - Fill in the Blanks

HINT: The sentences below can be found in the Safety Tips section under Health - Eating Disorders.

Use the following words to fill in the blanks:

  • bulimia
  • die
  • stopping
  • females
  • stomach
  • disorders
  • anorexia
  • threatening
  1. As many as 1 in 100 __________ between the ages of 12 and 18 have anorexia.
  2. Eating __________ may become chronic and lead to severe health problems, even death.
  3. About 1,000 women ________ of anorexia each year.
  4. People with __________ reduce their food intake.
  5. People with __________ indulge in bingeing and purging.
  6. Some people--mainly young women--develop potentially life-_________ eating disorders.
  7. Repeated vomiting can damage the _________ and esophagus.
  8. The body responds to starvation by slowing or ________ certain bodily processes.

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